Cold Lake Veterinary Clinic

5404 55th Street
Cold Lake, AB T9M 1R5


Cold Lake Veterinary Clinic - Quality of Life

Quality of Life Assessments


The following questions can help determine if quality-of-life has been reduced to the point that euthanasia

 makes sense. Generally, if your pet can no longer experience the things they once enjoyed or appears to be
experiencing more pain than pleasure despite best efforts to make them more comfortable, it may be time.

  • Does your pet respond to you?
  • Is your pet responsive to the environment?
  • Are eating and drinking habits normal?
  • Is your pet soiling his/her sleeping area?
  • Does your pet have limited mobility?
  • Is your pet unable to groom himself/herself?

  • Is your pet comfortable? In pain? Content?
  • Can your pet still experience simple joys?
  • Does your pet participate in usual activities?
  • Do you have financial resources to provide care?
  • Are you keeping your pet alive, more for you or for your pet?

  • Access the following QOL questionnaires: